My Projects
A full-stack platform for veterinarians to manage patients and schedule telehealth sessions, integrating APIs like OpenAI, Calendly, and Stripe for seamless operations.
ReactPythonFlaskPostgreSQLAPI IntegrationPatient ManagementTelehealth
Private RepoLive Demo
Nephrology AI Agent
An AI-powered agent providing answers to nephrology questions, backed by a vector database for academic references and built using OpenAI’s API.
TypescriptNode.jsReactAIVector Database
Private RepoComing Soon
CLI Story Generator
A CLI app for generating interactive Mad Lib stories, enabling story creation and saving using an ORM with SQLite for data management.
PythonSQLiteORMCLI Development
GitHubComing Soon
Mixologist Tool
A web app that lets users search for drink recipes, view ingredients, and save favorites. Enhanced with event listeners for dynamic interactivity.
JavaScriptHTML/CSSWeb Development
GitHubComing Soon
Jewelry Storefront
A web app for displaying and managing jewelry listings, allowing creators to add and manage items with React, Flask, SQLAlchemy, and SQLite.
ReactFlaskSQLAlchemySQLiteWeb Development
GitHubComing Soon